Here, you will get legit method to track your USPS Packages. Before, we go to understand the method, you may keep ready your tracking number if you have it to live check on the methods described here. We have described both methods which are authenticate and trustful.
Graphical representation of Process of tracking
Method: 1: Package tracking from USPS.Com Website.
- Ready your tracking ID :- Ready your tracking ID mentioned on receipt, email received from USPS.Com. For more refer this link here. You can use our usps tracking tools also.
- Open USPS.Com : Click here the authenticate USPS Web page to get most accurate information on this.
- Enter USPS Tracking Number: Copy your tracking number mentioned on the documents and receipts. Paste or manually write that tracking number in the input box.
- Press “Track”: Press Track button besides the input box. After that you will get your tracking information mentioned.
Method: 2 USPS Tracking from USPS Android / ios Application.
- Download USPS Mobile Android app from playstore . If you have iPhone then go to Apps store and search “USPS Mobile”.
- Open App: After downloading USPS Mobile app, Press “Accept Terms”.
- Tracking Input: Now you will see input box with “Add a Tracking Number” text.
- Enter tracking Id: Now Enter tracking Id in it and press on search icon. Now you will get your tracking summary with time-to-time updates.