FedEx Saturday Delivery & hours

Overview about the article:

If you are here looking for the answer to the question “FedEx Saturday Delivery & hours“, You are in the right place. This article contains the whole information about FedEx Saturday Delivery and Hours. many consumers are confused about the Sunday Delivery. They don’t know whether FedEx delivers on Sundays or not. For that, we have written a detailed article on FedEx Sunday Delivery.

You are requested to read the full article carefully. After reading this article, We hope you find the solution to your problem. Here, we are going to discuss everything about FedEx.

Does FedEx Deliver packages on Saturday?

If you are looking for a solution to the above question, Then it’s right here. Yes, FedEx delivers packages on Saturdays. For more convenience to its users, It offers various services to its customers. The services include FedEx International Air Waybill , FedEx Home Delivery service, etc.

If the user has chosen this service and the service is available in that locality, then it will be delivered on Saturday. In FedEx, There are many packages that are to be delivered on Monday. If a user chooses FedEx Home delivery service, Then Saturday is just like any other common day for delivery of the package.

However, you have to remember that FedEx totally believes in customer satisfaction. If it fails to deliver its package due to any technical issue, It guarantees its user a full refund. This delivery is available to several U.S markets for the U.S. express freight shipments with FedEx First Overnight Freight, FedEx 1Day Freight, and FedEx 2Day Freight.

FedEx Saturday Hours:

If you are looking for a solution to the above heading, then here’s the answer. Delivery time varies according to size and quantity of product, Location is also an important factor in it. Delievry day and times for different service of FedEx is given below:-

  • FedEx Express: Mon – Fri –> 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • FedEx Ground: Mon – Fri –> 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • FedEx Home Delivery: Tue – Fri –> 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sat –> 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

List of services for which Saturday Delivery is not available:

  • FedEx ground Service: This facility is not available on Saturdays. This facility takes nearly 5 days to deliver the product. If you don’t get your package within 5 days, you will get a full refund.
  • FedEx Delivery service: This is also not available on Saturdays.


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