Canada Post Office Locator - Find the Post office Near me

With the Canada Post Locator , You can find Canada Post offices near you. This tools is also helpful to find CANADA Post Office ✔️ Address, ⏰ opening Hours, 📱 contact and, 🌏 Directions .

Canada Post - Location Search [Post officies in Canada]

This tool helps you to locate Post office of Poste Canada. Either You need to enter postal code / zipcode of location you want to search or City name and Province Code ie METCALFE,ON .


Canada Post Location by Province (States) in Canada

Browse Canada Post authorized location by Province . Select one fo list here and it will list all locations in that Province you selected. It will further shows a list of cities in that Province.


British Columbia167


Newfoundland And Labrador145

Nova Scotia188




New Brunswick125

Prince Edward Island27

How to find the post office locations within canada ?

Canada Post office finder

You can find post office locations within Canada by using the following methods:

  1. Use our tools above: Enter Postal Code of Your location or Enter name of City with province code. The image of Process to find CANADA Postal locator shown here to understand. Just follow the Number mentioned on the red Colored box. We suggest to have postal code to find speed locations of post offices in Canada.
  2. Use Canada Post's online tool: You can use Canada Post's online tool at to search for post office locations by entering your address or postal code. The tool will show you a map of nearby post offices, as well as their hours of operation and services offered.
  3. Call Canada Post's customer service: You can call Canada Post's customer service department at 1-866-607-6301 to get information about post office locations and services.
  4. Use Google Maps: You can search for "Canada Post" on Google Maps and it will show you post office locations near your current location or a location you specify.
  5. Check local directories: You can also check local phone directories or online directories such as Yellow Pages to find post office locations in your area.

Canada Post office Lookup - a tools to find Postal location

Sending mail or packages is an important part of everyday life, whether it's for personal or business purposes. However, it can be frustrating when you don't know the location of the nearest post office to your home or business. Fortunately, Canada Post, the national postal service of Canada, has developed an online tool to help you find post office locations in Canada.

Our Canada Post's post office lookup tool is a quick and easy way to find the nearest post office location to you. The tool is available on the Canada Post website and is free to use. It allows you to search for post office locations by entering your postal code or city and state.

Once you enter your information, the tool will provide you with a list of post office locations near you, along with their addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation. You can also use the tool to filter your search results by selecting the services you require, such as parcel pickup or passport services.

Our provides information on shipping rates, delivery times, and Canada Post tracking.

It's important to note that not all post offices offer the same services, so you may want to check with the specific post office location to confirm the services they offer before visiting.

Authenticity of Postal Location information

This tool is the same tools available on the Canada Post website and is free to use and Accurate. With this tool, you can locate post office locations in your area, filter your search results by services offered, and even get information on shipping rates and delivery times. Canada Post is committed to providing excellent customer service, and their post office lookup tool is just one way they are making it easier for Canadians to access postal services. We use official API with the canada-post official permission under Developers' Programs.

Contact to Canada Post Office Care

Contact on "1-866-607-6301" or Outside of Canada: 416-979-3033 for Help require from Canada Post Care with:

Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. ET
Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET

- Canada Post customer Care Hours